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Posted by louis vuitton outlet on August 10, 19113 at 02:53:16:

In Reply to: tods japan シャネル チャンス シャネル ネックレス シャネル マトラッセ シャネル カメリア posted by EtelaCals on April 22, 19113 at 06:13:02:

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Considering all the credentials Wahlund brings to the race, it would seem like a shame if she didnt get anything else but first place. Instead she said she will be satisfied no matter the outcome. louis vuitton outlet cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton outlet louis vuitton bags louis vuitton outlet

That would be a good goal, Wahlund said of getting first place at state. To go out my senior year with a state championship, that would be awesome, but just looking to do my best whatever that brings me Ill be happy. cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton bags cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton outlet cheap louis vuitton

Majettes head coach Glee Mayer feels she is worthy of the state champion title. louis vuitton bags louis vuitton outlet louis vuitton bags cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton bags

I think she would be disappointed if shes not state champion, said Mayer. But I hope she looks at her whole career as something, that shes not going to base the success of her accomplishments on this senior race. But undeniably not winning a state championship would be disappointing for her and her teammates would feel bad for her. louis vuitton outlet cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton outlet louis vuitton bags louis vuitton outlet

Wahlund has been inviting competition from runners across the state, but also she has challenged her own coach too. cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton bags cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton outlet cheap louis vuitton

Its a challenge for me, Mayer said of coaching a standout like Wahlund. Because she comes in to practice in such great shape and shes committed over the summer. Its my challenge to help her improve. louis vuitton bags louis vuitton outlet louis vuitton bags cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton bags

Mayer drew the comparison of former Minot High School standout swimmer Dagny Knutson to Wahlund. louis vuitton outlet cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton outlet louis vuitton bags louis vuitton outlet

I know Kathy Aspaas coaching Dagny and weve talked many times about the quality of athletes that have come through Minot High, and as a coach how challenging that is to just try and help them move on to the next level, she said. cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton bags cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton outlet cheap louis vuitton

Wahlund has attracted the attention of colleges nationwide and Mayer said it is clearly evident with the amount of recruiting letters she received at the high school for Wahlund. louis vuitton bags louis vuitton outlet louis vuitton bags cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton bags

Im going to build you your own mail box, Mayer said jokingly of Wahlund. Because everyday weve got two or three letters of colleges. I think Brecca could pick anywhere she wants to go. louis vuitton outlet cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton outlet louis vuitton bags louis vuitton outlet

Wahlund said she is undecided on where she wants to go to college, but is looking for a great coach and a tight knit group of runners for her future team. cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton bags cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton outlet cheap louis vuitton

Wahlund is hoping to take home an individual medal but Mayer feels Minot could bring home a team award as well. louis vuitton bags louis vuitton outlet louis vuitton bags cheap louis vuitton louis vuitton bags

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