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Posted by TriemEmaile on July 08, 19113 at 07:43:45:

In Reply to: baseball jerseys cheap,cheap nhl jerseys free shipping,rugby jerseys cheap posted by Effeglibe on June 24, 19113 at 15:52:36:

and referees from other countries, players on loan from all over the world, and tifosi fans internationally. In Italy, in matches ranging from the Coppa del Mondo World Cup to Serie A, from international friendlies to the friendly pick up game in the piazza, a multitude of languages are spoken mdash. not just Italian. But even so, there are advantages to knowing Italian soccer terms. if you were to attend a game in person in Italy, chances are that you'll still hear Italian spoken most of the time. And, if your goal is to improve your Italian language skills, then reading Corriere dello Sport for the latest results of your favorite squadra team or listening to soccer broadcasts in Italian is a very effective way to advance in the standings, so to speak. i calzoncini mdash. shorts i calzini le calze da giocatore mdash. socks i quanti del portiere mdash. goalkeeper's gloves il calcio d'angolo il corner mdash. corner corner kick il calcio di punizione mdash. free kick il calcio di rigore il rigore mdash. penalty penalty kick il calcio di rinvio mdash. goal kick il campo di calcio mdash. field il cartellino giallo per l'ammonizione mdash. wholesale soccer jerseys yellow card as a caution il cartellino rosso per l'espulsione authentic soccer jerseys mdash. red card for expulsion il centrocampista mdash. midfield player il cerchietto del calcio di rigore mdash. penalty spot il colpo di testa mdash. header il difensore mdash. defender il difensore esterno mdash. outside defender il dribbling mdash. dribble il fallo mdash. foul il fuorigioco mdash. offside il gol mdash. goal il guardalinee mdash. linesman il libero mdash. sweeper il palo il palo della porta mdash. post goalpost il pallone mdash. soccer ball il parastinchi mdash. shin guard il passaggio diretto della palla mdash. pass passing the ball il passaggio corto mdash. short pass il portiere mdash. goalkeeper l'ala mdash. outside forward winger l'allenatore mdash. coach l'ammonizione mdash. sending off l'arbitro mdash. referee l'area di rigore mdash. penalty area l'arresto della palla mdash. receiving the ball taking a pass l'attaccante mdash. striker l'ostruzione mdash. obstruction la ban

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